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Monday, October 13, 2008

Bit on .NET

Hi, To all the programmers who is working in .net should know some of the facts. Well, .Net is not an Operating System. Its also not a general purpose software package. Its just somewhat functionality for the programmers to build their solution in the most constructive and intellegent way ever.
Just to tell you the truth, most of the codes in .Net environment resembles with the JAVA coding as if some people coming from Java would find it as to their native language.
.NET is a Framework that loads into your operating system, which you need not to load in the later virsions of windows like Windows 2003 server or Just a new release of Windows Vista. As it is going to be added as a component in the next generation of windows.
Now, What is the .Net all about??? Well, Its a framework that supports Common Language Runtime (CLR). As the name suggests, Common Language Runtime will be something that will run a native code for all the programming languages provided within the Architecture. Just for example, I would rather say that integer of VB.NET and int of C# are same, as they are both object of the Int32 class. And because of the generation of Intermediate language (Byte code + metadata ) in assembly produced as output during compilation is again compiled by JIT compiler( for those of you came from JAVA must know this). This enables you to bind two assemblies during runtime. Thats what is called basically interlanguage communication.
Now then what is language independence??
Well, to tell you about language Independence, .Net is not at all efficient in that. Just Microsoft built their own version of languages like C++, J# (for Java), C#, VB etc that can communicate between each other. Afterall J#, even if they resembles with JAVA is not purely Java.. Thus, the word may look to you somewhat fake.
Now what is the most prospective part of .NET?
Now, with the growing Internet, ASP.NET may be the most important part of .NET technology.
Well, ASP.NET has a new technology where the controls reside server side. You dont bother to use traditional client side controls. In .NET technology as there is a provision of runtime building of machine codes, a web server can directly compile and transmit codes to the browser during runtime. This is , I think the most approved and widely accepted part of .NET.
NEW things of .NET?
well, during the last two years , Microsoft is constantly changing the .NET technology, that may not be good for a settled programer. Well, first of all, in .NET 2003 Microsoft changed some features and also addes some new things. Well, new things are good, but changing the existing in such a quick succession is not at all good from programmers point of view. Again, in 2005, Microsoft publishes the new release of VISUAL STUDIO.NET 8 . This is a completely new environment. It have new releases of controls, the IDE is also different. Thats not what we all wanted as a programmer. What do you say????
Now, Microsoft is also increasing its scope.. One of the most important feature that is just now introduced is AJAX. Well, the name is what can be said as Asynchronous Java Script with XML.
What is AJAX???
Now, AJAX is not a technology. Its a new technique that can be embeded in your existing ASP.NET application to enable you partially update the web page without totally refresing the page. The introduction of ATLAS controls are also a great achievement. This is the latest trend of the ASP.NET programmers. Just you can see some of the latest updates of yahoo, as in the home page after signing in you can see the mails directly in the home page. Keep a watch. Also the most important findings may be for gmail users. You all dont have to refresh the page for an updation of the page.
In gmail, a chatting environment is also created with the use of ajax, may be...

Now I request to add on comments to my postings so that I can write more on this topic...
Thanks in advance......


abhishek2434 said...

I have seen all your codeproject articles. I like them and also this one as well. Doing a great job really.

Ritesh Ramesh said...

I agree with you on the introduction of new technology by MS. There are too many things introduced and in such short succession.